Guidance notes

An overview – board committees (major agencies)

Easy-to-read overview of the board’s obligations and good practice.

Board committees – an overview - all major (PDF, 139.1 KB)
Board committees – an overview - all major (DOCX, 106.2 KB)

'Other' members of CMA committees (CMAs)

This supplementary guidance note only applies to catchment management authorities.

Board committees – 'other' members - CMAs (PDF, 193.9 KB)
Board committees – 'other' members - CMAs (DOCX, 119.6 KB)

Governance links

Related support modules

On Board has related support modules for boards of DEECA agencies, including:

Meetings and decisions

Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC)

As part of its role in promoting good governance in the public sector, the VPSC provides information on Committees and delegations.

Watchdog agencies

As part of their watchdog role, the Victorian Ombudsman, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO), and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) also promote a high standard of public sector governance. For further information see the Integrity complaints support module.

Background information

The board can establish committees to assist it. These can be standing (ongoing) or formed for a limited term (e.g. whilst a project is undertaken). Usually, they can include non-board members.

A board committee is sometimes referred to as a subcommittee, although strictly speaking this term applies to a subcommittee of a committee.  In both cases, the information below applies.

When establishing a committee, it is basic good governance practice for the board to develop written Terms of Reference for the committee. As a general rule, the board should require its committees to follow the same policies and procedures as the board itself.

Overall, the policies and procedures that apply to a committee:

  • must be consistent with the principles of good public sector governance practice in the Public Administration Act 2004
  • must be consistent with the agency's establishing Act and other binding obligations
  • should be consistent with DEECA's model policies.

The board cannot delegate any of its decision-making to a committee, or members thereof, unless specifically authorised to do so by law, such as by the agency's establishing Act (or terms of reference) or, if applicable, section 83 of the Public Administration Act 2004 or the Financial Management Act 1994 and related Standing Directions.

Governance obligations in relation to board committees that may apply to your agency include:

  • any specific requirements in your agency's establishing Act (or terms of reference) in relation to board committees
  • section 83 of the Public Administration Act 2004
  • the Financial Management Act 1994 and related Standing Directions.

Overview of changes

What is a Machinery of Government Change?

In accordance with various instruments of the Public Administration Act 2004, a Machinery of Government change (Section 30) and other department changes (Section 28 and Section 29) involves the transfer of both employees and entity functions and responsibilities from one government entity to another. It is based on a signed declaration by the Premier or 2 agency heads.

The Machinery of Government changes are a necessary and useful instrument to meet existing and new policy challenges. The changes provide the Victorian Public Service (VPS) with a structure that reflects the priorities of the Government and will best deliver outcomes for the Victorian community.

For more information about the process of a Machinery of Government change visit the Department Treasury and Finance website.

Why has a Machinery of Government change occurred?

Following the 2022 Victorian State Election, the returned government announced changes to its Cabinet and ministerial portfolios. As a result, Machinery of Government changes have been triggered in accordance with the Public Administration Act 2004.

What are the changes to the department?

A new Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) will be established on 1 January 2023. The new department includes the existing functions of DEECA except for the Planning portfolio and those areas supporting it.

The current functional groupings included in DEECA are:

  • Corporate Services*
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Water and Catchments
  • Forest Fire and Regions, including the Conservation Regulator
  • First Peoples Self-Determination Division
  • Solar Victoria
  • Recycling Victoria
  • State Electricity Commission Victoria Implementation Office;

* noting some staff within Corporate services that provide support to the Planning Portfolio will be moving to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).

The new department will also include:

  • Agriculture and
  • Forestry, Resources and Climate Change.

These 2 groups, and supporting corporate staff, will be transferring from the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR).

All energy programs and grants administered by DJPR will also move to DEECA.

DEECA teams supporting the Planning Minister – including planning, building and heritage teams, Land Use Victoria, the Victorian Planning Authority and the Victorian Building Authority – will be joining the new Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), with a small number of staff moving to DPC.

There are going to be Corporate Services Group staff moving into an existing Corporate Services function that operates quite differently from DEECA. Are we all going? If not, how will that be determined?

There is an expectation that a proportion of corporate services staff will transfer to DTP to support the Planning and Land Use Victoria Group. The transfer will include both direct and indirect corporate functions. The details of how many corporate staff are required to be transferred and who will transfer are currently being worked through with both departments. As new information comes to hand, updates to the Corporate Services Group (CSG) will be provided on this matter from the Deputy Secretary. Any affected CSG staff will be communicated with directly as soon as possible.

What are the opportunities from the Machinery of Government changes?

There is a strong rationale for the combination of functions in each new department with opportunities for integration and shared benefits for Victoria’s economic potential and environmental sustainability.

There is a natural alignment between the Energy, Water, Climate Action, Environment, Agriculture and Resources portfolios. Given our capacity to influence land management and partner with Traditional Owners on Country in Self-Determination, it’s critical these portfolios work closely together to make the most of our natural assets while taking strong action to protect them against the impacts of climate change. Bringing these portfolios together under one department will allow us to take coordinated steps, to maximise the impact of our climate action.

Importantly, this will drive a greater focus on emissions reduction opportunities and adaptation and consolidate oversight of Victoria’s resource-based sectors. This will better position Victoria to meet the government’s newly committed 2030 and 2035 and net zero by 2045 emissions reduction targets.

Victoria is also our country’s largest producer of food. Sustainability in a drying climate is a shared challenge, and a biodiverse landscape that is resilient to its impacts is essential for the continued success of our food production industry.

DEECA has an enormous role to play in emergency response across bushfires, wildlife, floods, energy, waste and biosecurity. The integration of these portfolios under a single department puts us in the best position to anticipate and coordinate risk management for the Victorian community.

The Government’s priority on climate action and a renewable clean-energy future will leverage the strengths across DEECA’s responsibilities – from circular economy initiatives of water corporations to the impact of renewables in agricultural industries to reduce energy costs and emissions. The Energy and Resources portfolio will drive a greater focus on emissions reduction opportunities and adaptation.

When do the changes take effect?

An Administrative Arrangements Order which will legally put into place the new department arrangements will take effect on 1 January 2023. However, Ministerial portfolios commence immediately. It is likely that changes to technology, such as email and internal systems, will take some time. We know these practical measures are important and they’ll be treated as a matter of the highest priority.

What other departments in the VPS are changing/are affected?

On 1 January 2023, the number of VPS departments will increase from 9 to 10. These changes were outlined in an all staff email on 5 December 2022. DEECA teams supporting the Planning Minister – including planning, building and heritage teams, Land Use Victoria, the Victorian Planning Authority and the Victorian Building Authority – will be joining the new Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).  The Agriculture and Forestry, Resources and Climate Change groups (and supporting corporate staff) will be incoming to the new department from the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. A small number of staff will be moving to the Department of Premier & Cabinet (DPC). More information is also available from the Premier’s Media Centre.

Why doesn’t the new department’s name, Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) include any reference to Agriculture and Resources?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all portfolios in the new department’s title.  The selected name, however, in no way diminishes the importance of each portfolio’s critical role and contribution to helping achieve the Government’s and department’s objectives.

The new department’s name reflects the Government’s critical focus on climate action and a renewable clean-energy future. Many of the department’s portfolios contribute to this agenda including the Energy, Water, Climate Action, Environment, Agriculture, Forestry and Resources portfolios.

DEECA has a significant role to play in emergency response across bushfire, wildlife, floods energy, waste and biosecurity. The integration of these portfolios under a single department puts us in the best position to anticipate and coordinate risk management for the Victorian community.

Leading the change

Who is leading the changes in the department?

There are 2 Steering Committees leading the Machinery of Government change implementation process.

These committees are responsible for transitioning Agriculture and Resources groups into DEECA and transitioning the Planning Portfolio into DTP and DPC.

Help and assistance

Will there be regular updates?

There will be regular communication from the Secretary, including more detail about the transition to DEECA. This will be via all staff emails and Teams events as required. You can also expect to receive communication from your group Deputy Secretary.

How do I get more information?

A new Ada MoG hub has been set up where you can find all the information relating to the Machinery of Government changes.

These FAQs will also continue to be updated as more information is received, and decisions are made.

Where can I ask a question?

Send an email to:

Employment and conditions

Will the changes affect my employment?

No. If you are moving departments, you will transfer on terms and conditions of employment that are no less favourable overall. Your entitlements will also transfer with you.

What will happen to my flexible work arrangements from 1 January 2023?

The Victorian Public Service Flexible Work Policy will continue to apply to all VPS departments post Machinery of Government (MoG) changes. The DTP may have different processes for approving and recording flexible work arrangements. Staff should confirm these processes with their manager following the MoG.

Will I continue to be covered by the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020?

Yes. Staff will continue to be covered by the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020.

What if I am leaving the department and have a fire and emergency management role? Will I be able to continue this important role at DTP?

Yes. You will be able to continue with your emergency management role. There is a current Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in place that will remain effective post 1 January, 2023. This MoU supports the exchange of resources between departments to support the critical upcoming fire season. How this will work is still being worked through as a priority in collaboration with the DTP. More information will be made available to staff who undertake these critical roles as arrangements become clearer.

Is a freeze on recruitment expected to be put in place with this MOG?

No. There will be no freeze on recruitment because of this Machinery of Government changes.

If I am transitioning across to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) will my pay be disrupted?

No. There will be no interruptions associated with staff transfers to DTP's payroll system. We will be working closely with the DTP's Machinery of Government implementation team to minimise the impact on staff.

The payroll for those staff transitioning will continue to be maintained by DEECA on PeopleCentral until records are transferred to DTP's HR payroll system. Further communication will be provided to impacted staff in the lead up to this transfer.

Do we need to go through approvals processes again after we move?

The Victorian Public Service Flexible Work Policy will continue to apply to all VPS departments post Machinery of Government (MoG) changes. The DTP may have different processes for approving and recording flexible work arrangements. Staff should confirm these processes with their manager following the MoG.

Will there be Targeted Separation Packages (TSP) / Voluntary Departure Packages (VDP) or Early Retirement Packages associated with the Machinery of Government changes?

No. There will not be any TSP, VDP or Early Retirement Scheme as part of the Machinery of Government changes.

What if my current Corporate Services role supports both Planning and Environment? Will some service areas of the role have to be abandoned?

The movement of corporate services functions and staff as a result of the Machinery of Government changes will be negotiated between DEECA and DTP. This will necessitate some corporate functions that support Planning and LUV being transferred to DTP to continue to provide this support. The movement of corporate services functions will be finalised at the earliest opportunity to give staff certainty.

Given the department name change, do I need to update any contracts, documents, or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)?

Generally, you do not need to update any existing documents, including contracts or MoUs, to reflect changes to department names arising from Machinery of Government changes. This is because the Administrative Arrangements Order "deems" any reference to the old department to be a reference to the new department.

However, you should use the department's new name for any new documents created from 1 January 2023.

A new brandmark (logo) has been developed for DEECA and will be available from 1 January 2023 for use in new Contracts or MoUs. If you require access to the new logo, please complete the creative brief and the Creative Studio members will contact you asap.

How will the mail for staff moving across to DTP be received given it’s scanned in?

During the transition period, DEECA’s Mail Services will continue to manage scanned mail as per the current process. This will eventually change over to the Department of Transport and Planning for those areas that have relocated when a Service Level Agreement has been put into place in the new year.

During the transition period, there will no disruption to the physical delivery of packages.

What impact will the Machinery of Government changes have on my ePP/Performance Plan? Will I need to create a new one?

While transitional arrangements may take some time to finalise, you will continue to work to your existing ePP as part of the department's regular performance planning process and cycle. It's important to recognise that, for the majority of our staff, our work and our ePP will not be directly affected by the change in Departmental structure. If necessary, your existing plan can be reviewed and updated with your manager to incorporate any agreed and required changes.

What if I have approved leave over December and/or January? Will I still be able to take it?

It is important to take annual leave as required to effectively manage your health and wellbeing. There is no reason to change any approved leave for December and/or January as it will take several months to work through the Machinery of Government changes. If you have not yet submitted leave for this period, please speak with your manager.

I am currently seconded to a team impacted by Machinery of Government changes, however my substantive role is with DEECA? What happens now?

If you are still on secondment at the time that the team transitions to the new department, you will transition and at the end of the secondment period you will return to your substantive position within DEECA.

Do I need to advise my superannuation fund or novated lease provider of the new department's name?

No. P&C will advise all third-party payroll vendors (superannuation funds, novated leave providers, health fund providers) of the department's new name once it has been updated in our Payroll System.

Does the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) know about the Machinery of Government (MoG) changes?

Yes. DPC is leading union engagement on behalf of the VPS.

Will there be new DEECA position description templates available?

Yes. Updated recruitment documentation, including an interim DEECA PD template are be available on the Ada recruitment page from 1 January 2023 to enable advertising. The PD template will be updated regularly, as new information becomes available.

A number of people are awaiting the outcomes of their ePP 2021/22 assessment and will move to the new Department of Transport and Planning. If this is not resolved by DEECA, will any remuneration outcomes be honoured by my new department?

Yes. The majority of the manual processing of ePP's for Planning and Land Use Victoria staff have already been prioritised and actioned, however, if your outcome remains unresolved it will be actioned as soon as possible. Transferring to your new department will have no impact on the payment and associated back pay.

Will recruitment under the new department be advertised to all and open and transparent in line with VPS principles?

Yes, the Jobs and Skills Exchange Recruitment Policy will continue to apply.

Page last updated: 05/04/24